Visit to St Edmund’s (Teddy) Hall, Oxford University
On February 15th, a rather grey and blustery day, 19 of us trudged through the city of Oxford, passing the Bodleian libraries amongst other historic buildings to get to Teddy Hall where we received a bright and warm welcome.
Following a fabulous presentation which provided a wealth of information, the young leaders were escorted around the hall by current students to get some insight into university life. We loved the atmosphere of the college – including lunch and we were blown away by the rare books. The whole experience was enjoyable, motivating and enriching and it made Oxford University seem surprisingly more accessible than we realised.
A big thank you to the Access & Outreach Coordinator, Eve McMullen, the students and the librarian team who gave up their time for us. Eve said, “The young leaders were absolutely brilliant, so engaged and showed all the potential to come and study with us in the future”.