Leadership (LP)
People join EYLA for different reasons but whatever the need, each student is placed on the LP. Students attend a series of workshops through which they focus on the core competencies shown on ‘our mission’ page. This foundation empowers these young leaders to be catalysts and agents of change in tackling real world issues, with the intention of creating positive community impact.
In-Schools (ISLP)
ISP is a portable delivery model based on the LP comprising a series of motivational workshops and activities targeted towards students in need of incentivising. Working with our school partners we aim to develop the innate ability of students to make informed and productive choices to shape their thinking and behaviour both in the ‘here and now’ and in relation to future life. We help support students in unlearning negative behavioural trends and learning skills that equip them for constructive participation in school and wider civil society.
Scholars (SP)
The scholars programme is accessible to those enrolled on our Leadership Programme. It is a boarding school bursary programme not aimed at the academically elite. Our goal is to identify suitable boys and girls and give them the preparation and support to succeed at entrance exams, interviews and thereafter through their experience as a boarder.
Training Community Leaders (TCL)
This programme provides accredited training for young leaders to gain knowledge, understanding and experience of the principles and practices of broad based community organising.
It focuses on a model of supplementary education grounded in everyday community realities. Our lives are greatly enhanced if and when we decide to ‘be the change’. Our young leaders are agents of change and catalysts in mobilising organised communities to advance the common good.
“Since my son and daughter joined Eastside I have noticed a real change. They take more responsibility for themselves and are more organised and getting on with homework. They also take more interest in what is going on in the world even teaching me new things. Personally I really enjoy the parent workshops and have gained a lot from meeting with other parents.”
— Parent
Contact EYLA
Eastside Young Leaders' Academy
Bignold Hall
Bignold Road
E7 0EX
020 8522 1000
Charity Number: 1093977